Soirée: Elmore's Blues Band

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Elmore's Blues Band

Club: Hermann's Jazz Club

Upcoming: 2
Date: 23.09.2015 19:00
Adresse: 753 View Street, Victoria, Canada | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Elmore's Blues Band

7:00 pm, $4

Elmore's Bar & Grill is a long-running band;the name dates back to 1986.It has a stellar alumni, too numerous to name, many of whom are still performing in Victoria.
Johnny Shuffles' history in the blues began in 1965 with Blues by Five, Victoria's first blues band.
Johnny and SP began playing together in the late seventies. Elmore's is now the happy reunion of the Elmore's from the 90's.
Charles Gates on drums provides the rhythm engine while Morgan Onda on tenor is the icing on the cake.