Soirée: Student Come and Try

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Student Come and Try

Club: University of Ulster Canoe Club (Coleraine)

Upcoming: 0
Date: 15.10.2014 17:00
Adresse: Cromore Road, Coleraine, United Kingdom | montrer sur la carte »

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Participants - Femmes

Participants - Hommes

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Soirée: Student Come and Try

This is a River Bann 'Come & Try' session for University of Ulster Students who want to try out canoeing. There are a maximum of 12 places and a reserve list will be in operation if we are oversubscribed.

Register your interest early. The event is free, so why not come along. To book your place contact William McLaughlin - email: [email protected]

William can also provide you with further details if you require it.

The Watersports Centre is located at Building Q on the campus map,

All boating equipment and buoyancy aids will be provided for the session.

Remember you might want to bring the following:

* A change of clothes (just in case you get wet). There are changing rooms in the Watersports Centre.
* A towel
* Shoes with no laces or your own neoprene booties that you don't mind getting wet