Soirée: Whitehaven, Cumbria fossil hunt
Page d'accueil > Ukafh(UK Amateur Fossil Hunters) > Whitehaven, Cumbria fossil hunt
Upcoming: 4
Date: 25.01.2015 09:00
Adresse: UKAFH, 41 willow road , Kettering, United Kingdom | montrer sur la carte »
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Whitehaven is one of the only places in the UK where fossil plants from the Carboniferous can be collected on the coast both on the foreshore and cliffs. This unique location yields some well preserved specimens.
Unfortunately it will be an early start as the low tide is at 9:05am. It will be a hi-vis and hard hat hunt due to the proximity of a railway and cliff face. No collecting from the cliff face is allowed.
Whitehaven is not recommended for families. The busy railway which you will need to cross to gain access to the foreshore or tall cliffs make this location potentially dangerous.
Whitehaven is a foreshore and cliff location, so fossils can be found in both. The cliff section is separated by railway and sea defence and is badly overgrown. However there are accessible sections where you can collect plant remains in situ.
If you are interested in coming along either post here or PM me at
Invités: Aidan Philpott, Leanne Hunter Cert HE, Kerry-Ann Baddeley, Kellie Vernon, Lara Pritchard, David Groocock, Jon Fullwood, Zoran Christian Simic, Sam Capstick, Mike Greaves, Emma Jarvis, Dagmara Smolarek, Andrea Martini, Stephen Meechan, June Lambie, Craig Chapman, Mark Baggott, Richard Sutton, Laura Hayes, Foreshore Fossils