Soirée: Going away evening for Shannon Campbell
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Shannon Campbell is taking job far away --- come out and celebrate his time at the club and wish him well on his new adventure.
Invités: Nancy Riopel, Natalie Boulay, Stephanie Tambeau, Nancy Sullivan, Natalie Levasseur, Lana Pontello Cleverdon, Amy Rockel, Shannon Campbell, Holly Pontello, Sue Melancon Bonsall, Chantal Larochelle-Crescenzi, Kim Ethier-Meunier, Mark Lionello, Melissa Lynn, Scott Roy, Pierre H. Ouellette, Ed Riopel, Harri Ollila, Ben Ollila, Vicky Sopchyshyn-Bernard, Jeannette Johnstone, Jen Chilton, Linda Malette-Durepos, Shell Thomas, Ryan Marazzo encore »