Soirée: I Love Bollywood Night - DJ

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I Love Bollywood Night - DJ

Club: The Sugar Factory

Upcoming: 1
Date: 09.12.2017 20:00
Adresse: Le Meridien, 28 Sankey Road, Bangalore, India | montrer sur la carte »

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Participants - Femmes

Participants - Hommes

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Soirée: I Love Bollywood Night - DJ

Big Saturday bollywood night is back!!

We all bob our heads politely to hip-hop or tango when our friends play jazz, but when the drums start rolling and Bollywood music begins to resound, dancing to it becomes insatiable.

Come join us on *I love bollywood night* with *DJ Vipul Kurana* for a party of a lifetime- Bollywood style!!


What are you waiting for hurry up ..what's app to be in our guest list - 9620031234