Soirée: The Scene's Valentine's Ball 2015!

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Soirée: The Scene's Valentine's Ball 2015!

We are inviting you to come and get all romantic as it is our annual Valentine's Day celebration here at The Scene on Saturday 14th February! Your match-maker for the evening, Mamma Coil, will be hosting this romantically raunchy event from 9pm-3am as we have a few surprises for you all (STRIPPERS!) Bring your loved ones with you to what will be an incredible night here at Lincoln's Premier LGBT Venue!

Invités: Craig Dixon, Jemma-Louise Smith, Laura Butterworth, Caroline Pam Daniel, Adam Ward, Glen Allison, Clive Butters, Chris Briggs, Lorna Bursell, Terry Moore, Jason Liu, Ross Owen, Emily-Rose Grix, Charlotte Jade, Tom Mullins, Sophie Burgess, Jamie Cargill, Terri Plummer, Nathan Camburn, Jason Reid, Alan Plant encore »