Soirée: The Intersection of Sound and Sunk

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The Intersection of Sound and Sunk

Club: Southern Edge Arts Inc

Upcoming: 16
Date: 26.09.2015 19:00
Adresse: , Albany, Australia | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: The Intersection of Sound and Sunk

With a piano that can't be moved, an omnious lighthouse and a man who can hold his breathe for an inordinate length of time. The Intersection of Sound and Sunk is a "Brechtian-esque" portrayal of loss and longing, forgiveness and ultimately redemption. Playwrite - Liz Newell

Venue: Southern Edge Arts, 77 Sanford Rd Albany

Wednesday 23rd Oct, 7pm
Thursday 24th Oct, 7pm
Friday 25th, 7pm
Saturday 26th, 2pm and 7pm