Soirée: Melentini at Prinzenbar

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Melentini at Prinzenbar

Club: Prinzenbar Docks

Upcoming: 0
Date: 29.04.2018 20:00
Adresse: Spielbudenplatz 19, Hamburg, Germany | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Melentini at Prinzenbar

Melentini is a Greek singer-songwriter, musician/performer and music pedagogical instructor established in Berlin.

She has released 3 digital Albums with Sequence theory project and several features as lead-singer, lyric composer, vocalist and trumpetist in various collaborations such as The Blue Square (Nightkisser-single, Blind Colors of the Soul-single), UNIVERSE217 (Never-Ep, Familiar Places-Lp), Pavlos Pavlidis & B-movies (Sto diplano Ourano-Lp), The Broken Orchestra (Glass-single), Mani Deum (Bourbon Bedtime Story/album: When Beauty Ends) Her previous solo album Explosions around, the desert inside(cd, Lp 2013)- is a work with the participation of exceptional musicians of the local Athens jazz/rock scene performing under her own orchestration including symphonic strings, theremin , brass, woodwinds and was released by Restless Wind in a special cd edition (2013) and in Vinyl edition in Oc tober 2014. Since 2014 she is a regular member in the band of alternative rock artist Theodore whose performances have been reviewed as exceptional. Recently she collaborated with legendary producer Steve Jansen (Japan, Nine Horses) on one of his tracks from his latest album Tender Extinction. She wrote the lyrics, recorded vocals and trumpets for the song ‘Sadness’. Melentini's songwriting has been influenced by a variety of musical styles and genres, including nu jazz, avant-garde, ambient, electronic music, with references to afro-soul, Irish folk songs, Balkan lullabies and more.

Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
VVK: 13,60 € zzgl. Geb.