Soirée: Hackney Green Party Presents: Free Screening of Cowspiracy

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Soirée: Hackney Green Party Presents: Free Screening of Cowspiracy

Cowspiracy - Presented by the Hackney Green Party

Sunday 17 January, upstairs at Passing Clouds - gather from 6.30pm, movie starts at 7pm.

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.

As eye-opening as Blackfish and as inspiring as An Inconvenient Truth, this shocking yet humorous documentary reveals the absolutely devastating environmental impact large-scale factory farming has on our planet, and offers a path to global sustainability for a growing population.

Read this review by one of the Hackney Green Party member Nick Figgis:

The screening will be followed by a drinks and a discussion of the issues raised by the film.

Free Entry! (Suggested donation £3)
[email protected]
1 Richmond Road E8 4AA