Soirée: Halloween Grave Rave - Part 2

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Soirée: Halloween Grave Rave - Part 2

This Halloween we are going all out! Join us if you dare.

Part 1 Will take place in NBC and The Northbridge Piazza

More details here

Part 2 will take place in Geisha

A night where the mundane is overturned in favor of the bizarre.
The club will be transformed to freak you out.
Join the the DJs and Staff in costume for a night of sheer madness, we will also have a selection of Halloween style cocktails and shots to quench your desires.

Spooks on the decks:
Qwerk // Baux // Paul Scott // JimiJ

This undertaking will occur from 11pm
Discounted Halloween Cocktails and Shots until Midnight
Door Sales Only $15 b4 12.30 $20 After
Members and Wristbands from Part 1 $10 b4 Midnight

Warning if you miss this invitation (insert standard chain letter style bad luck)!