Club: Dandelion Bar & Nightclub


Dandelion Bar & Nightclub

130-133 St. Stephens Green West, Dublin, Ireland

Téléphone: 01-4760870
A propos du club:
Dandelion Bar, Bistro and Club. One of Dublin's most famous venues. Formerly the Dandelion Market pl... Lire la suite >>
Nombre total d'événements: 15
Nombre total de participants: 4110
Nombre total d'hommes: 1855 (45%)
Nombre total de femmes: 2255 (55%)

galerie de Dandelion Bar & Nightclub (73)

Shoot Booth Bar photos Shoot Booth photos from the Bar Shoot Booth photos Shoot Booth photos from Oct 31st-Nov1st Saturday @ Dandelion