Soirée: Rewind 90's Party with Dj Eoin Lyons

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Rewind 90's Party with Dj Eoin Lyons

Club: Club 360

Upcoming: 12
Date: 03.06.2017 23:00
Adresse: Townspark, Carrick on Shannon, Ireland | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Rewind 90's Party with Dj Eoin Lyons

Club 360 presents
REWIND (90's & Naughties Party)
Saturday 3rd June
Door 11:30pm

Dj Eoin Lyons is back behind the 1's & 2's next Saturday night
and will be bringing the best dance anthems from the 90's &
naughties. Dont forget its FREE admission before 12:30