Soirée: Krav Maga Bootcamp
Page d'accueil > Cheltenham and Gloucester Krav Maga > Krav Maga Bootcamp
Upcoming: 14
Date: 25.10.2014 12:00
Adresse: Sir Tom Rich's School, oakleaze,, Gloucester, United Kingdom | montrer sur la carte »
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A heavy weekend packed with 12 hours Krav Maga training ranging from striking, padwork and basic punch defences right through to weapon defences, disarms, principals of multiple attackers and 3rd party protection.
Saturday 25th October:
10am: start
10-1: fitness, padwork, combatives, CQB and more
1-1.30pm: lunch
1.30-4.30: de-escalation, ground fighting, preventing takedowns, principals of protection and lots more.
4:30 finish for the day, questions, cool down.
7pm meet for a social (everyone supplies their own drinks or pays for theirselves) (optional)
Sunday 26th October:
10am: start
10-1: edged weapons defence
1-1.30: lunch
1.30-4.30 batons, firearms, other weapons
4.30 wrap up and final questions.
Instructor Matt Roberts will run you through the techniques you may need one day need to save your life.. Plenty of time to spend with the instructor over the weekend. Spaces limited to 16, first come first served basis.
BKMA students: (if booked before Aug 24th)
1 day: £45 (40)
2 days: £85 (75)
Non BKMA students:
1 day: £50 (45)
2 days: £95 (90)
To book your place now call/text Matt on 07875639969 or email [email protected]
Invités: Ali Mortazavi, Ben Williams, Samantha Baker-Green, Shane Howard, Lee Barnes, Dave Hodge, Mark Garbacz, Nick Coates, Joe Hardwick, Nick Randall, Sophie Elizabeth MacLeod, Jim Owen, Mark Chard, Caleb Huish, Troy Zackie Baker, Scott Harris, Gareth Collins, Kane Godwin, Lloyd Kelsall, Jonathan Love, Tom Lovering, Ross Barnes, Rosie Spooner, Aaron Beach, Wendy A Holt, Duncan White, Lorraine Clements, Alex Collins, Joshua McNeill, Terry Wilson, Chris Boyles, Michael 'Baz' Boyles, Rebecca Wynter, Chris Norris, Ross Arscott, Nathan Lenehan, Marcus Brook Milky, Shayne De Jager, Luke Garland, Connor Casson, Benji Traub, Alex French, Cathy Wilson, Rachel Hancock, John Rowland, Tom Kelly, Joshua Low, Riaz Ali, Paul Bush, Edd Francis-Webb, Brendan Wright, Lewis Barnes, Daniel Barnes, Sam Broom, Kat Trenouth, Ihsaan Faisal, Anna Czaplewska, Hannah MacLeod, Jake Lansdown, Ash Summers, Tom Brock, Rich Curtis, Andy Cleeves, Alex Attwood, Matthew Hull, Jimbob Warman, Sophie McGauley, Dan Polson, Chris Allan, Harry Rossiter, Krizun Loganathan, Billy Bryce, John Maksymiw, Scott Brimble, Dan Bartlam, Tom Bailhache, Marcie Harding, Jo Costello, Ian Hoffmann, Maurice Elliott, Adele Lockwood, Simon Bailey, Will Bromage, Hannah Daniels, Sammy Sollars, Rich Stanley Kellett, Jo Chard, Danu Banfield, Mike Knapp, Colin Featherstone, Mathias Rodrigues Dhp, George Williams, Lee Badman, Steve Hopwood, Matt Noy, Mike Watson, Carl Busby, Rhyse Cronin, Kathryn Rovery, Ben Price encore »