Soirée: Learn Irish Dancing!

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Learn Irish Dancing!

Club: Céilí by the Lee

Upcoming: 2
Date: 16.01.2017 19:30
Adresse: Marlboro St, Cork, Ireland | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Learn Irish Dancing!

Céilí by the Lee returns to Crane Lane on Monday evening at half past seven! Join us for an evening of traditional Irish dancing. Every week we'll learn different dances, with different people, making each week a unique experience! Beginners are welcome, we'll start the night by covering the basic steps. No partner is necessary, new friends will be provided on the night!

I could tell you the myriad benefits of joining us until I'm blue in the face, but one could argue that I'm not impartial. So ignore me, and look to the good people of TripAdvisor, to see what they have to say!

Our venue is Cork's greatest bar, the inimitable Crane Lane Theatre, home to a huge dance floor, and an even huger range of drinks to refresh the weary dancer!

This is an 18+ event
Admission: €5