Soirée: Famous Turntables

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Famous Turntables

Club: Café Bar Orange

Upcoming: 4
Date: 02.07.2016 22:00
Adresse: Elisabethstrasse 30, Graz, Austria | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Famous Turntables

Famous Turntables - 02I07I16

Stefan Obermaier (Universal Music I Drift Rec. I Vienna Scientists)
Marcus Mattson (Klimperbox I SecondSun Ibiza)

Best known for Produtions like 'Classic Reloaded' which features Beethoven’s and Mozart’s most famous works retooling them for the 21st century, he launched his own label 'Drift Rec.' in 2012. Uplifting, house music primed for the dance floor ombined with soulful elements guarantee a night to remember.

„It is always a certain mood that I am aiming for“ say's Stefan with a smile - his music is fresh, positive and breathes quite an amount of new life.

⚽️ ⚽ ️⚽️ Uefa EURO 2016 @ Orange ⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
wir übertragen ab 21:00 Uhr live im Gartgarten.

►EM-Sechser (5 Heineken 0,3l + 1 gratis)
►Strongbow Cider (5 + 1 gratis)
►pikante Flammkuchen (z.B.: mit Schinken & Lauch od. Salami & Chili)
   -Aktionen gültig bis 24:00 Uhr


Famous Turntables
Café Bar Orange
Elisabethstraße 30, 8010 Graz
Tischreservierung: 0316 327429
Einlass ab 18 Jahren
Eintritt: € 5,-
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