Soirée: Brassick College Toga Party

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Soirée: Brassick College Toga Party

Saturdays mean Brassick time! Join us for student anthems in Asylum and Indie tunes in the John McCarthy bar. Drinks from £2.

As it's Thanksgiving weekend we thought we'd give a nod to our American Students out there and throw a College Toga Party! First 200 people through the door will recieve a free drink!

There's also going to be a special wings and fries offer, so for those who get peckish on nights out, or just those who like wings this is the Brassick for you!

Free entry to those with Infinity Cards.

Advance tickets £1.75 from or the Union Reception.

Tickets £3.75 on the door.

Students are allowed to bring two guests to this event at the cost of £4.75 each.