Soirée: Goblin & Ghoul Bingo Night

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Goblin & Ghoul Bingo Night

Club: Winchester Country Club

Upcoming: 0
Date: 24.10.2015 00:00
Adresse: 1300 Senseny Rd, Winchester, United States | montrer sur la carte »

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Participants - Femmes

Participants - Hommes

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Soirée: Goblin & Ghoul Bingo Night

Saturday, October 24 - Goblin & Ghoul Family Bingo
Wear your favorite costume! Costume contest categories are Most Original, Best Homemade, and Theme by the Whole Family.

Family-style buffet - price and menu TBA!

4:00-5:30pm Dinner Buffet and Bingo Card pickup
5:30-6:30pm Bingo games
6:30-7:00pm Dessert Bar and Costume Contest prizes
7:00-8:00pm More Bingo games!

RSVP required by October 22; call 662-3821

Facebook fans, this is a WCC member event. Thank you!