Soirée: Karaoke - 1st Friday night of the month

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Karaoke - 1st Friday night of the month

Club: Wentworth Falls Country Club

Upcoming: 0
Date: 07.07.2017 19:00
Adresse: 206-220 Blaxland Road, Wentworth Falls, Australia | montrer sur la carte »

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Participants - Femmes

Participants - Hommes

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Soirée: Karaoke - 1st Friday night of the month

Karaoke is on the 1st Friday of each month here at WFCC. It is an awesome time so don't miss out. Bring your singing voices and unwind from your week. Come along for dinner in our braserrie from 6-8pm. Suggest booking as the braserrie is popular 4757 1202.