Soirée: Deep Space Night

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Deep Space Night

Club: Wakata Club

Upcoming: 2
Date: 18.10.2014 21:00
Adresse: Malířská 14, Bubenec, Czech Republic | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Deep Space Night

DJs Raphael Kosmos + 237liver


house, electro

after whole day and evening in town on Signal festival you need to continue with some quality music, which fits to these experience. And R. Kosmos with 237liver are definitely one of the best for this :)
237liver young producer, who (I think) we will hear about soon a lot
R. Kosmos part of Endless Illusion - try to make our house and electro scene more colorful

Invités: Martin Shishamanski, Michal Rack