Soirée: Love BOAT

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Soirée: Love BOAT

Laupäeval, 17.07 pidu LOVE BOAT!

Tähistame Tallinna Merepäevasid vallatu mereteemalise peoga- tulge pardale! Alates südaööst tervitab Teid meie rõõmus meeskond eesotsas kapten-DJ Margus Kaukese ning töökate madrustega!

Seoses VIP-ruumide renoveerimistöödega on VIP-pileti ostjad sellest nädalavahetusest oodatud peasaali VIP-alale ning ka klubi ajaloolisse seifiruumi!

Piletiinfo ja sissepääs:

- Klubi avatakse kell 00.00
- Sissepääs peauksest
- Naistele esimesel tunnil prii sissepääs!
- Tavapileti hind 10€
- Sissepääs kuldkiibiomanikule + kaaslasele tasuta, hõbekiibiomanikule + 1 kaaslasele hind 5€/pilet
- VIP-pileti hind kuni kl 01.30: 15€, alates kl 01.30: 20€. VIP-pilet tagab sissepääsu peasaali VIP-alasse ning ajutiselt ka ajaloolisse seifiruumi

Parima peoelamuse saamiseks broneerige laud või voodi, mille maksumuse väärtuses saate nautida peojooke.

- LAUAbroneering: 150€, sisaldab samas vääringus joogikrediiti, snäkivaagnat, mugavat lauateenindust + 5 tasuta VIP-pääset
- VIP-LAUA broneering peasaalis: 300€, sisaldab samas vääringus joogikrediiti, snäkivaagnat, mugavat lauateenindust + 5 tasuta VIP-pääset
- VOODI broneering: 250€, sisaldab samas vääringus joogikrediiti, snäkivaagnat, mugavat lauateenindust + 5 tasuta VIP-pääset
Broneeringud: www.vabank.eeTäpsem info: +372 660 9900.


On Saturday, July the 17th: the LOVE BOAT!

This Saturday we celebrate the Tallinn Maritime Days with a special marine party! This night we welcome You on board of our love boat! Our captain DJ Margus Kaukes will be greeting You along with our cheerful crew! Welcome on Board!

Due to the reconstruction of our VIP-rooms this summer, we welcome all the VIP's in addition to the VIP-area in the main hall also to our private Vault Room on the ground floor of the club! VIP-ticket also includes a welcome drink.


- Club is open from midnight
- Free entry for women from midnight until 1 a.m.
- Regular ticket: 10€
- VIP-ticket until 1.30 a-m: 15€, from 1.30 a.m: 20€
- Entry for the Club Gold Members + 1 guest is free of charge, for the Club Silver Members + 1 guest for the price of 5€ (VIP ticket)

Book a table or a bed to guarantee the best party experience! The booking fee is Your drink credit for the night in the amount of which You may order drinks from Your waitress according to our drinks menu. It also enables a priority entry, table-service and welcome drinks for all guests.


- TABLE (in the main hall or in the Moët VIP-Room): 150€, which serves as a drink credit and includes snacks + 5 VIP-tickets
- VIP-TABLE in the main hall: 300€, which serves as a drink credit and includes snacks + 5 VIP-tickets
- BED: 250€, which serves as a drink credit and includes snacks + 5 VIP-tickets
For further information or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us: +372 660 9900.