Soirée: Russian Society Welcome Event

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Russian Society Welcome Event

Club: UCL Russian Society

Upcoming: 10
Date: 08.10.2015 18:00
Adresse: Gower street , London, United Kingdom | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Russian Society Welcome Event

Hello everyone! You had so many questions about Russian Society at the welcome fair and here we are to answer all of them! At 6 p.m. we are meeting at UCL (Robert 309) for a small presentation about the society, where you can find out all about our Russian Classes (and sign up for them), literature evenings, What?Where?When? games, our social events and many more!

After the presentation we will head to TCR bar on the Tottenham Court Road which is reserved for us for 19:00.

For those who might be confused this event is for EVERYONE, you don't have to speak Russian to join us :)

See you all soon!

With love,
Russian Society committee <3