Soirée: Heute: The Frat - 808!

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Heute: The Frat - 808!

Club: Tube Station

Upcoming: 41
Date: 27.01.2018 23:00
Adresse: Friedrichstrasse 180, Berlin, Germany | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Heute: The Frat - 808!

Dear brothers and sisters,

this January we have new members taking the oath to join the freshest brotherhood of the city. Although the final test is yet to be taken at the ritual assembly on 27th of January, the knightly accolade is scheduled to take place at the end of the night, in case the night ends. Will you be able to handle the turn-up? Will the bartender break you? Are you willing to proudly represent the fraternity and our values?

If you are already a member - put your Frat jacket on and start bragging and boasting, you have put in work already. And in case you don't have one yet - make sure you impress us! If you don't know how to impress us, please don't bother!

See you at the holy halls of Phi Beta Chi!

Vita brevis et in vino veritas! ⚖️