Soirée: Trivia Battle!

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Trivia Battle!

Club: Toucan's Tiki Lounge

Upcoming: 5
Date: 30.11.2017 18:30
Adresse: 2100 N Palm Canyon Dr, Palm Springs, United States | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Trivia Battle!

This is a 4 week competition each Thursday at 6:30 PM PST.
Starts November 30th and goes until December 21st!

Trendalicious Trivia is a 15 question countdown style game with new themes in trend setting and history.

Bar scores are determined by the top 5 player member scores!
Players are encouraged to play in teams as we want Toucans Tiki Lounge to do our best!!!!

You must be logged in as a Member to make it count.
Free to sign up right on your tablet or playmaker.