Soirée: The Biscuit Factory ft. Zomboy + Mantis
Page d'accueil > The Biscuit Factory > The Biscuit Factory ft. Zomboy + Mantis
Upcoming: 979
Date: 11.04.2015 21:00
Adresse: 210 Brunswick Street, Brisbane, Australia | montrer sur la carte »
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Bringing the worlds meanest bass music acts to Brisbane for a monthly party where you get to munt out with a whole bunch of friends you haven't even met yet.
All the way from the UK, Never Say Die Records' golden boy, Zomboy with Atlanta's main merchants of Filth, Mantis!
Come get weird with us; we don't care if you wear shorts, have tattoos or dress up as the back half of a horse. Literally zero f*cks will be given.
Invités: Rebekah Kilpatrick, Jordan Bein, Misty-Lee Moisty Hudson, Zachary Barnes, Kieran Mcaskill, Alyssa Wesche, Travis Falana, Hayden Vos, Jack Skarpona, Michaelá Mihajlovic, Stephanie Elliott, Lily MacDonald, Connor Harvey, Jamielee Oliver, Ben Dorling, Sam Dunlop, Katarina McGrory, Cyle Rhodes, Brayden Williams, Riley Fergus, Indiana Vicary, Trishant Sahay, Cathy Nguyen, Peta Reid, Jaytika Holloway, Arron Hammel, Courtney Mitchell, Jay Winter, Jai Jai Garrard, DjHi Normas, Wade Richards, Caleb Hann, Josh Nixon, Tom Bale, Luke Franklin, Samantha Huff, Matt Dayes, Adam Radford, Jack Cooper, Cathal Beirne, Aaron Buchanan, Jaimie Harmer, Bella Bergen, Jared Lesleighter, Caleb Hendry, Krystal Sousa, James Morris, Jay Richardson, Shannon Gorman, Jayden D'Arcy, Carly Martin, Jordan Lamont, Daniel Busch, Ben Brock, Jordan Dhillon, Calvin Dexter, Naomi Moneger Connell, Sophia Abbasi, Savannah Callow, Andrew Manuel Pollaert, Rickie Henderson, Zarnay Wegert, Amy Thomas, Chris Dale, Lana Greenall, Naomi Aspiringmuse Van Uitregt, Kade Wise, Harvey Murray, Emma Kirkland, Jake Hartley, Jesse Monkley, Sarah Stengord, Jake Bromley, Chris Preston, Ethan Warren, Claire Jones, Alyssa Kutzner, Kelly Mazins, Alexander Lynn, Josh Ihle, Chloe Hamilton, Josh Bunston, Dane Shaughnessy, Ed Sheeran, Elliott Cousins, Rebekah Gill, Deanna Ohnsorge, Joshua Stedman, Bella Zimmermann, Stephanie Allie Harlow, Brady Haag, Blake Leaf McLeod, Ethan Lefel, Shyann Hutchinson, Dan Wilkins, Tammy Roellin, Courtney Clayton, Trent Krause, Luke Brennan, Noah Cairney encore »