Soirée: Davy The Punk - a play

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Davy The Punk - a play

Club: The APK

Upcoming: 10
Date: 18.10.2015 14:00
Adresse: 347 Clarence St., London, Canada | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Davy The Punk - a play

"A story about bookies, Toronto The Good, the mob, and my dad."
This is how Bob Bossin introduces his play Davy The Punk. It is a play full of music and humour.

You might have recalled seeing Bob perform in Stringband with Marie Lynn Hammond.
As Bob Says: "I used to be famous, but my dad was infamous."

The APK will be presenting this play in a matinee and an evening performance. It is only a one day performance, but this event page will run until that day, Oct 18.

Tickets are available at The APK, Grooves, Speed City and Village Idiot Records and online:



Matinee: $15 Doors at 2 pm
Evening: $20 Doors at 8pm

No reserved seating.