Soirée: SARFC Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Page d'accueil > St. Albert Rugby Football Club > SARFC Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Upcoming: 8
Date: 14.10.2017 13:00
Adresse: 51 Riel Drive, Edmonton, Canada | montrer sur la carte »
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It's that time of year again! The 2017 Annual General Meeting will be on the afternoon of October 14th at 1:00pm. There will be many items on the docket that will affect all members of the club. We would like to see as much of the membership out as possible. It may sound boring but the decisions made here will affect everything from playing dues to bar operations. This is also the best opportunity to come and say thank-you to many of our long standing board members who will not be running for re-election again!
We will be having a couple of events leading up to the AGM to help prepare. The first will be a By-Law Review meeting on September 9th at 10am where we will be reviewing the current by-laws in anticipation of a modernized version which will be voted on at the AGM. The second event will be a board meet and greet on September 18th at 8pm where we want all members who have even the slightest interest in volunteering in some capacity to come down and talk to our board members to see if there might be a position for them.
We are a non-profit establishment which means we need volunteer power to drive forward our programs and operations, if you think you can help then please get in touch with us or come meet with us on the 18th.
Here is the board of directors heading into the AGM:
• President - Simon Hill (1 Year Remaining)
• Secretary - Juliette Bradley (1 Year Remaining)
The following positions are all up for election this year with most of the incumbents choosing to step down:
• Vice President - Robin Weary
• Treasurer - Craig Kerswell
• Grounds Director - Mike Barry
• House Director - Ian Ferguson
• Membership Director - Patrick Whitehead
• Senior Rugby Director - Graham Noren
• Junior Rugby Director - Kendra Fiddler
• Social Director - VACANT
• Women’s Club Captain - Mackenzie Doughty
• Men’s Club Captain - Justin Armitt