Soirée: Tapio K / Skin&Bones / 03.01.15

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Soirée: Tapio K / Skin&Bones / 03.01.15

Finish off your holidays getting sweaty with a good crowd of friends, as it's the basement dweller Tapio K delivering what's best for you. The winter season will be bringing a massive, juicy list of events and no better way to lead into it with the flag holders themselves. Get involved.

✾ Saturday 3rd January 2015

✾ Tapio K

✾ Entry 3e cloakroom before 00:00 / 5e incl. cloakroom after 00:00

d a n c e
i n y o u r
s k i n &
b o n e s

Invités: Oded Peled, Joelle Biggie Reefer, Johanna Taskinen, Caius Collin, Pirkka Suominen, Jasmin Wardi, Ze Ta, Anni Salmi, Nina-Erika Erävala, Mihkel Vaht, Ilmari Naamakirja, Aleksandra Kahakorpi, Antti Niemiaho, Panu Posti, Richard Scott, Miika Luoma, Matti Karjanlahti, Antti Salminen, Asta Seppinen, Thomas Lindström, Anna Liisa encore »