Soirée: Connexxions Movie Night

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Connexxions Movie Night

Club: Sandringham Baseball Club

Upcoming: 0
Date: 18.12.2014 18:15
Adresse: 25 Tulip St., Black Rock North, Australia | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Connexxions Movie Night

Sandringham Royals Baseball Club Invite you and your family to a special screening of “Million Dollar Arm”
A family baseball movie which has not been screened in Australia
WHEN: Thursday 18th December from 6.15pm
WHERE: Palace Dendy Cinema Brighton (Church Street)
Ticket Price : $10.00 per registered junior
$20.00 everybody else
includes Coke and popcorn
The Connexxion Awards for the month of December will be presented on the night