Soirée: Winter Cruise to Canoe Brewpub

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Winter Cruise to Canoe Brewpub

Club: Royal Victoria Yacht Club

Upcoming: 2
Date: 17.02.2018 16:30
Adresse: 3475 Ripon Road , Victoria, Canada | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Winter Cruise to Canoe Brewpub


Only a limited number of spots left for the Winter Cruise!

Kick off the 2018 cruising season with a Victoria Harbour mini-cruise aboard Victoria Harbour Ferries. We have set up an evening of camaraderie and fun starting with a one- hour tour of the Inner Harbour aboard the little Victoria Harbour Ferries followed by dinner at Canoe Brewpub.

We will meet on the water side of Canoe Brewpub at 4:20 pm.

For those hardy boaters who wish to brave the cold and cruise by boat to the Inner Harbour, we will be mooring at Ship Point (the causeway docks in front of the Empress Hotel). Boats may wish to arrive Friday and enjoy a potluck Appy Hour on the docks at 5pm.

Please contact Victoria Harbour Authority to arrange for your own moorage. The little ferry boats will take you over to meet the rest of the group at Canoe Brewpub at 4:20 pm on Saturday.

Register online at or by calling the RVYC office at 250-592-2441

All members and their guests welcome.