Soirée: Unsuitable | RCC 2018

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Unsuitable | RCC 2018

Club: Royal Croquet Club

Upcoming: 2
Date: 07.03.2018 21:30
Adresse: , Adelaide, Australia | montrer sur la carte »

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Participants - Femmes

Participants - Hommes

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Soirée: Unsuitable | RCC 2018

Ireland's award winning Tumble Circus presents Unsuitable; a gang of acrobats, jugglers and aerialists engaged in the pursuit of circus devilment.

Forget what you think about circus and give yourself and your family one hammer smashing great hour of revolutionary Belfast inspired circus.

The show is about a bunch of circus performers engaged in the pursuit of circus devilment, but confined to a world of pain and intolerance. Unsuitable has a cast of 5 internationally renowned circus artists from Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland and Australia. There are moments of physical poetry. There are astounding feats of circus ability. There are questions about gender, about race, about identity, and there will be comedy. People will laugh, people will think and people will be amazed.