Soirée: Ronimisministeerium does Fünland

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Soirée: Ronimisministeerium does Fünland

This year Ronimisministeerium's spring trip to Finland is towards Loviisa region.
Plan A: Dry weather
- Friday: take the boat over, drive to Emäsalo and set camp at Varlaxudden ( camping site. If we get to leave Tallinn early or the crew is really psyched, we can stop at Mellunmäki boulders on the way to Emäsalo (
- Saturday: morning head towards Lappnor area (, boulder there and see (one of us sending) Nalle's famous Burden of Dreams (9a). Eat lunch, chill, choose between continuing at Lappnor and moving to Luhti, Haukkakallio or Nalkkilan släbi. Nalkkila is a funky slab, which is good if fingers are already sore. Return to Varlaxudden in the evening.
- Sunday: Going for higher cliffs at Haukkakallio or, if the weather is warm and dry, to Luhti (, Returning to Tallinn in the evening.

Plan B: Moist weather
- Friday: camping
- Saturday: hiking somewhere in Southern Finland like there is no tomorrow.
- Sunday: Climb at Kiipeilyareena and after being shredded to pieces, return to Tallinn.

Plan C: Rainy weather
- Saturday: morning boat to Helsinki, climbing at Kiipeilyareena and returning in the evening.

FAQ - should there be any other questions, please write them into the event discussion. Chances are that you are not the only one thinking about the same matter.
Q1: How do we get there? A1: Carpooling. It is also possible to get to Loviisa by bus... but after that it might get adventurous.
Q2: Where do we sleep? A2: In tents, hammocks or cars.
Q3: What if I don't have crashpad or rock climbing gear? A3: We take two crash pads from RonMin and surely some other people bring their own pads as well. Rock climbing gear is a bigger Q-mark. Borrowing from friends is always an environmentally conscious alterntive but should that nor be an option there is some rental gear available at RonMin (check the price list page).
Q4: What do we eat? A4: Whatever you bring along.
Q5: How much does it all cost? A5: This is an invitation to join, not an organized trip. Final cost depends on you but the main cost is boat tickets (and food but you'd eat at home as well so that's not really an extra expense).
Q6: Which boat are you taking? A6: Check the event discussion.
Q7: I don't have a car, can I ride with someone? A7: Give a shout in event discussion that you are looking for a place in a car and would love to share part of the fee for taking a car on the boat.