Soirée: RocKickballers Indoor Box Kickball Tournament

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RocKickballers Indoor Box Kickball Tournament

Club: RocSports

Upcoming: 34
Date: 03.04.2015 19:30
Adresse: , Rochester, United States | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: RocKickballers Indoor Box Kickball Tournament

Pat and I are excited to offer another indoor Kickball Tournament!

Friday, April 3rd we’re hosting a 1-day COED Box Kickball Indoor Tournament at Premier Sports Center of Western, NY. Games will be 8 on 8 - (rules attached to this email). If interested, let us know ASAP.

We'll be starting the first games at 7:30pm, but we'll be having a pre-tournament party at a TBD bar starting at should be a REAL fun night!

For those of you that played in our tournament this past weekend, you'll notice some enhancements we've already made below to the tourney logistics...

Quick Tourney Details:
• All teams guaranteed 2 games - double elimination style tournament!
• Prizes for the winners, championship game MVP's, etc..
• Welcome packet for ALL teams
• Drinks AND snacks INCLUDED!
• ...and MOST importantly a WHOLE LOTTA FUN!

Registration deadline is Friday, March 20th so let us know ASAP if interested! Tournament registration form is attached to this email…

Pat and Jim

RocSports, LLC

Invités: Nicole Schaeffer, Megan Blakeney, Ken Arnold, Reggie Rucker, Darren Miller, Alex Divirgilio, Meg Vasey, Mike Kiviat, Melissa Steenburgh, Abby Gail, Zach Bradley, Nicole Dugan, Kelly Matthews, Daniel Joseph, Megan Fritts, Zehra Imamović, Adam Roeder, Ryan Bucinell, Adam T. Sweet, Nicole Marie Hood, Nicole Compton encore »