Soirée: Winter Rooftop Launch - Skye Halla

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Soirée: Winter Rooftop Launch - Skye Halla

A Nordic Viking Feasting and Drinking Hall in the Clouds...

Presided over by beautiful Shield-Maiden Skye, Queen of Hoxton’s Winter Wigwam will this year be transformed into a Nordic Viking stronghold complete with long boat, feasting hall inside a WigWam, fire pits, driftwood sculptures and a plenty of drinking horns.

Skye invites you to escape modern life and join her band of noble savages celebrating a victorious battle. Raise a skål to Skye and enjoy Nordic nights filled with flowing mead, foraged cocktails, crackling fires, debauched deeds and decadent feasting. As always a series of immersive events and workshops specially curated to our theme will be on offer throughout the Winter.

More info:

Thursday 27th October (until end of March 2017)
Open Monday - Saturday from 5pm-10pm