Soirée: 60th Anniversary Commemorative Reception
Page d'accueil > Northampton Hungarian Club > 60th Anniversary Commemorative Reception
St. Peter & Paul Roman Catholic
Sick & Beneficial Society
We cordially invite you and your family to the
60th Anniversary
Commemorative Reception
Honoring those who emigrated from Hungary
during The 1956 Hungarian Revolution
Saturday, October 22th, 2016
Cocktails /Appetizers from 4:30p.m. – 5:30p.m.
Presentation 5:30p.m
Dinner 6:30p.m.
Northampton Hungarian Hall
1300 Stewart Street
Northampton, PA 18067
Beer, Wine & Soda included
Cash bar available after 9:30p.m.
Cost $60 / person
Live Hungarian dance music for your enjoyment will be provided by "Janos Timar" from Szentpeterfa, Hungary.
For reservations please contact Frank Garger 610-751-6471
Reservation Deadline is October 14, 2016