Soirée: A Nice n Sleazy xmas Market

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Soirée: A Nice n Sleazy xmas Market

What a lovely day it will be, lots of creative minds coming together to share with you their lovely work. You can buy some of their items as well, and it will be really good.

We got this vibe about supporting local businesses and creative enterprises over major brands. And that's exactly what we're offering, a chance to get together with some locally produced items. Lovely Jubbly!

featuring :

MoonShake Designs : Psychedelic illustrations! Gig posters!

At War With False Noise : Record store selling Punk! Hardcore! Metal! Psych! Soundtracks!

Shine Therapies Scotland - Vegan Themed Artwork!

Atomovision - Nihilistic Pop Culture n Comics!

Koko's Japanese Kitchen Pop Up! Vegan / Veggie / Meat options all available.

and many more!

free entry, and we got mulled treats