Soirée: Mojo Comedy Night
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Upcoming: 57
Date: 07.03.2015 20:00
Adresse: Gabroveni, nr.14, Bucharest, Romania | montrer sur la carte »
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Mojo's first comedy Night of 2015 is on Saturday the 7th of March and we have some cracking acts for you! All three comedians will be flown from the UK for one night for your side-splitting pleasure! Come and find out which one of our comedians Jerry Seinfeld said this about: "......., who is a very good comedian, has one of the best jokes I have ever heard." Tickets are 50 ron, please call 0723927894 to book your tables as space is limited!
Invités: Charlotte Taft, Heath Renfroe, Jen Brickner, Ahmad Khokher, Cate Farrell, Daniel Stockton, Andrew McKeating, Ana Maria, Helen Şniţel Shelton, Violeta Pirnog, David Scott Hughes, Stephen Cunningham, Becky Katy, Colin Fernando Alvarez Whitfield, Kyle Thorburn, Rachel Dunn, Simona Iuliana, Alina Cruceru, Ana Iancu, Mihai Țițirig, Andreea Popescu, Lexy Alexandra, Ymke Hordijk, Henry Armes, Jamie Bell, La Gouge, Alina Ion, Oana Preda, Cibuzor Kingsleanu, Mihai Paveliu, Amit Beedasy, Paul Lyon, Adrian Predoi, Mixi Pixi, Alexandru Radu, Gina Zlaket, Serban Dobrinescu, Cristina Ferent, Madalina Elena Halatiu, Ana-Maria Popapa, Alexandra Nedelcu, Charlie Crocker, Emily Dobre, Diana Rosca, Becky Lownds, Alex Popa, Marta Irina, Iulia Diana Anton, Aly Pardhan, Stanciulescu Andreea, Alex Petcu, Teresa Ann Brown, Doru Lupulescu, Richard Jones, Blake Evans, Dean Edgar, Charlie Henry, Olivia Ioana, Cristina Varga, Vlad Neuman, Goldye Man, Ioana Bolohan, Colin Lee Richardson, Ana Burloiu, Stuart Leary, Leon Corpening, Andra Roxana Stanciu, Karen Mackenzie, Rasputin Mussolini, Gabriel Romosan, Claudia Dumitrescu Hayes, David Hayward, Madalina Bozeanu, Dragos Drunea, John Riley, Disstresor Disstresor, Kurt Amundson, Razvan Mihai, Ovidiu Bîrlă, Timea Giusca, Ana Maria Papp, Mimi Voicu, Daniele Colombo, Ian Tilling, Helga HG Ciubotaru, Cristina Stoian, Andreea Ovessea, Lars Lund, Robert Masters, Chris Lewis, Nicolae Marinescu, Erik Davidsson, Michael Gillespie, Rupert Wolfe Murray, George Negoita, Mila Covali, Kelly Herbert, Mike Roberts, Florina Serban, Craig Turp encore »