Soirée: Wiggin' Out! Sundays

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Wiggin' Out! Sundays

Club: minibar

Upcoming: 0
Date: 12.04.2015 15:00
Adresse: 3341 N Halsted St, Chicago, United States | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Wiggin' Out! Sundays

Join us for Wiggin' Out! on Sundays!
Dig through our trunk for a new look on Halsted!

$4 You Call Its
No Cover

April Themes!
4/12 Fairy Tale
4/19 Garden of Eden
4/26 Into The Wild

Shot specials & pop-up performances by Jade, Ramsey & Khloe throughout as they guest bartend for the evening!

Try on a wig from our collection,
And lets get blitzed!
Cause Sunday funday on Halsted,
And this party, you won't want to miss...