Soirée: Melody's Playhouse (Pole Dance Set)

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Melody's Playhouse (Pole Dance Set)

Club: Magnum Club

Upcoming: 0
Date: 18.11.2017 23:00
Adresse: 3-4/F, Silver Fortune Plaza, No.1 Wellington Street, Central District, Hong Kong | montrer sur la carte »

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Participants - Femmes

Participants - Hommes

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Soirée: Melody's Playhouse (Pole Dance Set)

Magnum今個星期六11月18號同Playhouse鋼管舞校長Melody一齊帶你地進入佢地嘅Studio。Dancers Eva 同 Amethyst會表演佢地新排嘅性感鋼管舞!

立即登記免費入場QR Code:

Are you ready to enter Melody's Playhouse this Saturday (18th Nov)? Pole Dancer Eva and Amethyst from Melody's Pole Studio are going to surprise you with their sexy routine.

Register for a FREE ENTRY QR code NOW: