Soirée: CART Records Label Night

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CART Records Label Night


Upcoming: 631
Date: 10.04.2015 22:00
Adresse: Švitrigailos str. 29, Naujamiestis, Vilnius, Lithuania | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: CART Records Label Night

CART & Black Daniels - danų bass muzikos vikingas nuo 2012 m. LOFTE surengė ne vieną skandinavišką reivą, ir nesiruošia sustoti. Priešingai, šį pavasarį jis grįžta ir kartu su savimi atsiveža geriausius bass muzikos atstovus iš Kopenhagos.


CART & Black Daniels has become a household name in the Lithuanian bass & rave community with many great performances @ Loftas since 2012.

In 2014 Black Daniels released his debut EP as the first release from CART Records.

“CART Records Label Night” presents some of the most talented bass MC’s, DJ’s & producers, that Denmark has to offer.


▲Black Daniels LIVE
Anders Meinhardt x Shield x Alvarado

▲DJ Breakfast

▲DJ Shield



▲Local support By: Doctah Jahngle & Jahstina
+ Jam session

Black Daniels will blaze off the roof with a new live show containing a lot of fresh tunes and live versions of remixes from his Danger remix compilation - soon to be released on CART Records. On stage he has his talented and highly energetic producer SHIELD, the amazing & legendary drummer “half-man half-drum machine“ Anders Meinhardt and last by not least the Queen B, lyrical gifted Alvarado.

The bass brain behind the “Danger EP” & “I Like That” DJ & producer “SHIELD” will get the whole house jumping and make sure you are warmed up when Black Daniels steps on stage!

DJ Breakfast co-founder of CART and Godfather of the Danish drum and bass, known and loved for his energy behind the decks, serving up a large variety of drum and bass from around the world to keep the party going.

Tidewarp The young upcoming DJ & producer, known for riding the waves between deep & beautiful, to hard & gritty, who has also remixed “Dub” from Black Daniels remix compilation, which brings him into the CART Records family.

To kick off the party we have invited a local support act - TBA.

CART Records -

Invités: Lizette Meinholt, Tuğba Sevimoğlu, Gediminas Paulauskas, Karlita MC Alvarado, Sania Banginis Alex, Lukas Juodikis, Agnius Narkevičius, Zivile Diawara, Dileta IN, Marta Placebo, Inga Norke, Kasper Carlsen, Ske Andrius, Ieva Žičkaitė, Adomas Butkevičius, Mattia Riolo, Lærke Ragborg, Alexander Skjold, Aiste Jureviciute, Romain Assaw-de Calbiac, Ruta Ambrasaite encore »