Soirée: Breaking Spring

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Breaking Spring

Club: Lancaster Moose Lodge

Upcoming: 63
Date: 04.04.2015 19:30
Adresse: 44545 Division St, Lancaster, United States | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Breaking Spring

Rock show featuring
live performances from:
8:00pm - FuryEightySix
8:45pm - Heretic A.D.
9:30pm - American Hoss
10:30pm - Seconds To Centuries

$5 presale from the bands or online
$7 @ the door - 7:30pm

If you'd like to help promote, here are links to the flyers:
Full Page:

Quarter Page:

Invités: Shona Lynne, Dean Allen Ingraham, Vinzent Torres, Ryan Mazza, Nina Welch, Quentin Neace, Michelle Marie Navarrete, Jaime Stables, Diamond Jeff Collier, Amber Torres, Angela Monteon, Allie Taylor, Tommy EightySix, Louis Rivera, Lisa Gee, Amanda Strange, Joe Lahoski ZombieCowboy, Daren Strange, Victoria Tyler, Vanessa Gibson, Ian Nicholls encore »