Soirée: TEENAGE KICKS: DJ Harvest & You Are The Light DJs

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Soirée: TEENAGE KICKS: DJ Harvest & You Are The Light DJs

TEENAGE KICKS – a one-off club night with DJ Harvest and You Are The Light DJs spinning gloriously twee tunes of indie pop, britpop, post-punk, 60's pop and soul etc. Come and dance, enjoy the music and have fun!

DJ Harvest (Tavastian Lauantaidisko, Everyday Is Like Sunday)
DJs Friida, Hanna Karina & Astro-Sofia (You Are The Light)

Kuudes Linja
23 - 04
5 €

Invités: Lani Nordlund, Jae Parrott, Arttu Elmeri Alaranta, Katri Nicole Pfuhl, Antti Berg, Iisa Pykäri, Niklas Willstedt, Marjo Väyrynen, Esa Tontti, Tatiana Toutikian, Lauri Löppönen, Johanna Wahlström, Ville Hopponen, Kaisu Nevasalmi, Mihkel Vaht, Katri Tenhola, Terhi Adler, Bea Sävikari, Kaisu Suopanki, Martti Lahtela, Ella Gustafsson encore »