Soirée: Salsa LADIES STYLING intensive WORKSHOP

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Club: Fusion Dance Studio

Upcoming: 2
Date: 30.10.2015 19:00
Adresse: Estonia pst 1/3, Tallinn, Estonia | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Salsa LADIES STYLING intensive WORKSHOP

Welcome to the Salsa LADIES STYLING intensive workshop!
Styling elements in a nice, useful, interesting combination.

WHEN: Friday, 30 October
TIME: 19:00 - 20:30
LEVEL: beg3 - improvers - intermediate

PRICE: 1 workshop ( 1hr 30 mins) 12€
WORKSHOP include: warm-up, solo combination
REGISTRATION: [email protected]
ADDRESS: Estonia pst 1/3, 3d floor

During the workshop you learn: body movement, body isolation, nice, useful, practical elements for the style both in solo & partnerwork! Arms - how to hold, how and when to style. All of this you will learn with the nice solo combination!
