Soirée: FFS Presents: Enjoy-Until-U-Drop End Of Season Fundraiser
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Aeg lõõgastuda, naerda südamest, naljatleda sõpradega ning lõpuks kohtuda ka üksteise vanematega. Ühtlasi vaatame tagasi ilusatele mälestustele sellest hooajast ja valmistume juba järgmiseks. Free Flow Studio kutsub kõiki õpilasi ja nende vanemaid tähistama ja osalema meie hooaja lõpu koogiküpsetamis- heategevusüritusel. Kõigil osalistel on võimalus võita tiitel parima disainiga koogi eest.
15:00 - MTV avatud tund - Christopher Alexander Bent
16:00 - MTV avatud tund- Jene Walker
17:00 - Break - Wissem Tuneesiast
18:00 – Ürituse algus
18:30 - Lithuanian Spring Cup Videod (Kookide hindamine)
19:15 – Koogi disaini võitja avalikustamine
19:30 - Free Flow Mini Show (Esinejad selguvad varsti)
20:00 – Auhinna tseremoonia
Mille jaoks raha kogume?
Enamik meie õpilasi sooviksid stuudios pesemisvõimalusi kasutada, kuid praegu on meil ainult 1 dušš ja seegi katki. Meie poolseks sooviks oleks koguda piisav summa 3 uue duši ehitamise ja terve duširuumi renoveerimise jaoks.
Kui palju kogume?
Summa, mida duširuumi renoveerimise jaoks kogume on 2500€. Igasugune panus on oodatud ja kindlasti abiks.
Arve number: 221058052180
MTÜ Free Flow Studio
Kirjeldus: Annetus duširuumide renoveeringuks
Ühine meiega sellel toredal, südamlikul üritusel!
It’s the time to Enjoy-Until-U-Drop relax, laugh and joke with your friends and for parents to come meet one another. its also time to take look back on the good memories of the season and prepare ourselves for the next. Free Flow Studio Invites all students and their parents to celebrate and participate our end of season cake bake fundraiser. All participants have the chance to win prize for best designed cake.
15:00 - MTV open classes Christopher Alexander Bent
16:00 - MTV open classes with Jene Walker
17:00 - Break Dance - Wissem From Tunisia
18:00 - Event starts
18:30 - Lithuanian Spring Cup Video’s (Cake bake evaluation)
19:15 - Cake design winner announcement
19:30 - Free Flow Mini Show (Performance list to be announced)
20:00 - Awards ceremony
What are we fundraising for?
Most of our students would like to use the shower facilities in the studio, at the moment we have only 1 shower which is broken, and would like to build new showers, we are raising money to build 3 new showers to provide to for our students after classes.
How much are we raising?
We are raising €2500 for the renovation of the shower room. We are asking for contributions to be made big or small to help towards the 3 new showers.
Account Number: 221058052180
MTÜ Free Flow Studio
Description: Donation for shower room renovations
Join us at our event it going to be a blast