Soirée: Chris voth Canada's first active openly gay male national athlete

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Chris voth Canada's first active openly gay male national athlete

Club: Fame Nightclub

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Date: 20.08.2016 22:00
Adresse: 279 Garry Street, Winnipeg, Canada | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Chris voth Canada's first active openly gay male national athlete

Saturday AUGUST 20th

Chris Voth came out as the first active openly gay male national athlete from Canada in January 2014 in a newspaper article that received worldwide attention. Winnipeg born and raised, Voth has been a part of the national program over the years, starting in 2006 on the youth national team.
Since then he has played on the World League roster and made the Olympic team long list. He has played the last two years professionally in The Netherlands and was looking to take the next step in his career before hitting a speed bump. Voth lost his contract because the team didn’t want a gay player, saying that it might be too dangerous with opponent fans knowing about his sexuality.
Voth now is still looking for a contract for next year as well as volunteering for various organizations including Out There Winnipeg.

Time: 10:00pm – 2:30am
18+ with Valid Photo ID
Cover $5
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