Soirée: Negative Creeps

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Negative Creeps

Club: Dolans Pub

Upcoming: 7
Date: 11.04.2015 21:00
Adresse: 3 Dock Road, Limerick, Ireland | montrer sur la carte »

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Le même jours à Limerick

Ger Costelloe 20:00 @ Dolans Pub

Soirée: Negative Creeps

NEGATIVE CREEPS the definitive Irish Nirvana Tribute Band. Kurt Cobains 21st Anniversary falls in 2015 so how better to mark it than NEGATIVE CREEPS the definitive Irish Nirvana Tribute Band.
DATE/Sat, 11th April 2015
PRICE/ €10.00
VENUE/Dolans Warehouse
DOORS/9:00 pm

Invités: Aidan Shortall, Zoe Alford, Sean Mc Alinden, Diane O Doherty, Shian Malone Welsman, Patrick Campbell, Jennifer Sheehan, Chloe Keogh, David Doyle