Soirée: Jo D’arcy: D'Arcehole

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Soirée: Jo D’arcy: D'Arcehole

Jo D'Arcy - 'Funny bones and a clownish sensibility, a little like a female Rik Mayall' (Bruce Dessau); 'A formidable performer ' - (Steve Bennett, Chortle) - got called ALL the names in High School, then went back to teach and got them all again, but none of them are as bad as the names she's called herself. Somehow though, she's coming through it and learning how not to be such a f***king d**khead to herself (there's still some work to do).

Jo D’arcy: D'Arcehole
Sunday 14th May
Carnero Lounge
Tickets £5 / PWYW on door from Derby LIVE

Produced by NCF Comedy as part of Derby Comedy Festival 2017