Soirée: CCASC AGM 2015

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Club: Croydon City Arrows SC-Official

Upcoming: 7
Date: 10.11.2015 19:30
Adresse: Dorset Recreational Reserve, Jenkins Lane, Croydon, Australia | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: CCASC AGM 2015

The Annual General Meeting of the Croydon City Arrows Soccer Club.

Come down and find out what's been going on in and around YOUR club during Season 2015.

Where does your money go?
What's happening on the committee?
What positions are coming up for tenure?
How can you become more involved?
Have you got an ideas you would like to see happening at the club in Season 2016?
Want to know what plans we have for Season 2016?
Then head on down and make a difference.


Please forward invitation to anyone on your list that may be interested in attending. The more people we have in attendance, the better the result for our club.

There are a number of positions available on the committee this year, including, but not limited too:-
Vice President

Plus sub-committee positions such as Events, Fundraising, Canteen Management.

If you would like nomination forms please contact our Club Secretary, Kelly Dixon.
