Soirée: UGLI

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Club: ComedySportz Indianapolis

Upcoming: 1
Date: 13.01.2017 22:00
Adresse: 721 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis, United States | montrer sur la carte »

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Participants - Hommes

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Soirée: UGLI

This Friday Late-Night show is taking our 10:00PM slot and, unlike ComedySportz, there are no fouls, no referee, and no rules!

U.G.L.I. (Under Ground Live Improv) brings untried and brand new improv games to our seasoned players, where we experiment and see what we think of them and push the limits of improv; it could be ugly, or it could become a masterpiece, the outcome is in the practice and the playing. This short-form improv will use audience suggestion and is for 17 and over. This is not an all-ages event and it’s sure to bring the laughs with the risks!

U.G.L.I. opens for a limited run on January 6 through Janaury 27, every Friday Night at 10pm.

Each event lasts 60 to 75 minutes with up to 12 new games! Sun King beer and weekly drink specials are always on the menu.

Tickets are ONLY $10.00 and can be purchased by calling (317) 951-8499 or visiting