Soirée: Learn Irish Dancing!

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Learn Irish Dancing!

Club: Céilí by the Lee

Upcoming: 1
Date: 05.06.2017 19:30
Adresse: Marlboro St, Cork, Ireland | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Learn Irish Dancing!

Céilí is a traditional Irish social gathering, with dancing and music. The Lee is the river which runs through Cork. Combine the two, and you get Céilí by the Lee, a weekly lesson in dancing, accents and haphazard organisation. Join us any Monday in Crane Lane from 19:30!

The format of the night is simple, like the MC. We start with the basic steps, progressing steadily towards mastery of intricate and exciting group dances. Over the course of two hours there'll be a liberal sprinkling of gentle instruction, bad jokes, and welcome breaks.

Joining a dance class can be a daunting experience, even more so if you're on your own. However, there's no need to worry, we start from the very beginning, so no experience is required. Many a friendship has been forged through asking the dancer next to you what the teacher just said, so no partner is necessary.

This is an 18+ event
Admission: €5