Soirée: Shabba Groove

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Shabba Groove

Club: Café Bar Orange

Upcoming: 5
Date: 30.07.2016 22:00
Adresse: Elisabethstrasse 30, Graz, Austria | montrer sur la carte »

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Soirée: Shabba Groove

Shabba Groove - 30I07I16

DJ 3gga
Dj LazySkillz
MC Kokomatic (Graz)

"When there is party there is life; When there is good music there is life; When there is cash there is flex"

This time it's 'Shabba Groove' - DJ 3gga in the mix again, we all know his music capability when he's spinnin' -alongside DJ Lazy Skillz.

"we party with attitude and with rack on racks"

►free welcome shot
►MC live-performance


Shabba Groove
Café Bar Orange
Elisabethstraße 30, 8010 Graz
Tischreservierung: 0316 327429
Einlass ab 18 Jahren
Eintritt: € 5,-
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